We are super excited about this and can't wait for May to come around. We found out at about 4 weeks. I took 2 tests and they were both showing positive which was so crazy. I couldn't believe it had actually happened and that we were going to have a baby. I called my doctors office right away and scheduled my 8 week appointment. That was the longest 4 weeks I have ever had to wait for something. The night before my appointment was bittersweet as I had some bleeding so we were really anxious for the our appointment the next day. Finally when Sept 29 came around we went to the doctor and saw a very strong heartbeat which we were both THRILLED to see. After the appointment we went straight to our parents houses and told them. Our parents were both really excited as this baby will be the first grand child on both sides. I had another appointment at 10 weeks and another ultrasound to make sure it was all still going well. We still saw a really strong heartbeat so after that we decided to tell our grandparents, family and friends. It was so hard for us to keep this secret from parents for 4 weeks and then everyone else for another 2 weeks.
We went to palm springs with my Prins family after my 10 week appointment and we decided to tell them all while we were there. I gave the ultrasound picture to my cousin and had her go show everyone the picture. It was fun to see all of there reactions. Everyone is really excited to have a baby in the family again.
I am just finishing 12 weeks and have been feeling pretty good. I started having some morning sickness around 8 weeks and has lasted regularly until last week. It is finally starting to go away which I am really thankful for :) Other than that being tired and my sense of smell is really getting to me. Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers for our arrival.
Right now the baby is about as big as a plum (2 inches) and can expand its fingers and toes. It is so amazing to me how much this baby has grown since we found out. At four weeks it was the size of a poppyseed. God IS SO GOOD!!!! What a great miracle.