Anyways I can't believe that in couple weeks I get to meet my precious girls :) Everyone keeps asking are we ready yet.... UM NO, but we are making progress.
We just painted the nursery yesterday, and put the new crib up. Now to just get everything else organized, finishing the twins room, getting Riley's new room set up, and starting and finishing our bathroom remodel. Yes we are going to be starting to redo one of our bathrooms hopefully starting next week. :) Can't wait for that to be done. We still need to pick names too.
My Last ultrasound, which was Jan 2, baby A was 2.14lbs and baby B was 3.4lbs. Which they said were good weights for these girls. They were concerned with my weight gain over the holidays, (too many sweets I guess) so I got sent to a nutritionalist. One week on a diet and I lost 1.9lbs. I don't have to check my blood sugar everyday, just watch what I eat and take out a lot of sugars and carbs. It hasn't been that bad at all. I have an ultrasound the end of this month to see how big the girls have gotten. Right now the babies are making like a ying yang sign, baby A is head down, and baby B is head up but heading downward.
Here is a comparison picture of 30 weeks pregnant with twins and with Riley. What a difference.
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30 weeks with twins |
30 weeks with Riley |
How far along? 31 weeks 4 days
Total weight gain/loss: :)
How big is baby? babies are size of a pinapple
Maternity clothes? Yes!
Sleep: Sleeping pretty good. My hips are very stiff in the mornings, or after sitting for a long time.
Best moment this week? My Dr appt going good. I'm measuring about 34 weeks.
Movement: Yes, LOTS!!!!
Food cravings: None realy.
Gender: Two Girls
Labor Signs: Some Braxton Hicks
Belly Button in or out? Out
Stretchmarks? None yet
How are you feeling? Pretty good, its getting hard to bend over and pick up Riley :( And my feet have been swelling up a lot lately.
What I am looking forward to: Finishing the Girls nursery and picking out names
What I miss: sleeping on my stomach and ice cream
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